Here are some current APSC videos by others and by Alyeska Pipeline Service Company itself. The most current are at the top. (Click on titles to go to original video source). - Larry Motschenbacher
TAPS TALKS: Legacy In Our Hands (Nov - 2014)
Alyeska President Tom Barrett sharing his experiences and thoughts on leadership and the legacy of TAPS.
Case Study: Alyeska Pipeline Service Company - Jan. 28, 2014
Mel Jessee talks about the new Alyeska AssurX system.
A Tour of the PS#3 PLQ led by Katie Pesnecker of Alyeska
Alyeska - Alaska Native Program (2012)
Informative with nice shots,and comments by Tom Huhndorf and others.
News 13 story with Norman Voorhis, Hillary Schaefer, John Axehelm and Bernard Hildebrand at PS9
A pipeline integrity inspection at Pump Station 1 with Tom Webb (Mar 13, 2008)
Summer of 2006 at Pump Station 5
A video by Bob Smith