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1970 History/Videos
Military Veterans
Alyeska Pipeline People That Served
Mel Ackerman - U.S. Navy
Anita Maas Adams - U.S. Army
Allen Duane Albright - U.S. Army
Harold F. "Alex" Alexander - U.S. Navy & U.S. Army
Denis Allen - U.S. Marine Corps
George Anderson - U.S. Air Force
Gordon A Anderson - U.S. Air Force
Robert "Bob" Anderson - U.S. Army
Don Ambuehl - U.S. Army & U.S. Air Force
Bill Anton - U.S. Navy
Jerry Arca Sr. - U.S. Marine Corps
Edwin Atteberry Jr. - U.S. Army
Gary Bader - U.S. Army Nat'l Guard
Robert Bandy - U.S. Navy, U.S. Army & U.S. Army Nat'l Guard
Shawn Barnes - U.S Army Nat'l Guard
Kenneth Behrend - U.S. Army
Chuck Bean- U.S. Air Force
Earl J. Beard - U.S. Army
Grantt Bedford - U.S. Army
Steve Bennis - U.S. Navy
Roy Benton Jr. - U.S. Air Force
Marty Berkelo - U.S. Air Force
David Blosser - U.S. Army
Earl E. Boling - U.S. Army
Charles Brashears - U.S. Army
Harry Gregg Brelsford - U.S. Army
Walt Brophy - U.S. Air Force
Howdice Brown - U.S. Air Force
Dallas Burford - U.S. Air Force
Paul Butter - U.S. Navy
Tom R. Buhite - U.S. Air Force
John Camacho - U.S. Air Force
Tommy Carlson - U.S. Navy
Tom Carnahan - U.S. Army
Olan Wayne Camp - U.S. Army
Jann Caspersen - U.S. Marine Corps
George Carssow - U.S. Air Force
Mike Carter - U.S. Air Force
Terry Dale Carter - U.S. Army, AK Army Nat'l Guard, AK Air Nat'l Guard, U.S. Marine Corps Reserve
Ezequiel Cervantes - U.S. Army
Donald Chase - U.S. Navy
Gerald Cole - U.S. Navy
Ernest Lee Collins, Sr - U.S. Army
H. David Comins - U.S. Army
Tom Connolly - U.S. Army
Brent Cook - U.S. Army
John Coombes - U.S. Army
Norman M Coons - U.S. Marine Corps
Carl Courter - U.S. Army
Rob Cowart - U.S. Navy
Reese J Crabtree - U.S. Army
Mark Cradduck - U.S. Army
Joy Fearn Crafton - U.S. Navy
Robert A "Bob" Creech - U.S. Army
Morris Cunningham - U.S. Air Force
Toni Curry - U.S. Air Force, U.S. Navy
Mark Dahl - U.S. Coast Guard
Jimmy Dearmore - U.S. Air Force
John Delong - U.S. Air Force & AK Air Nat'l Guard
Alvin "Al" Deemer - U.S. Army
David Dickinson - Army National Guard
Robin Quarles Dillard - U.S. Air Force
Gary Dillon- U.S. Army
Philip Doherty - U.S. Navy
Dick Dore - U.S. Air Force
Rolland Doubleday - U.S. Air Force
T.C. (Tom) Dull - U.S. Air Force
Jerry Allen Dunnell - U.S. Air Force
Carroll Eby - U.S. Army
Paul Eckman - U.S. Air Force, AK Air Nat'l Guard
Tim Egley - U.S. Marine Corps
Michael Ellingboe - U.S. Army
Douglas A Edmonston - U.S. Navy
Mike Engblom-Bradley - U.S. Marine Corps
Rehofus J. Esters - U.S. Army
Tom Felcyn - U.S. Navy
David M. Fletcher - U.S. Air Force
Edward J Fulton, Jr. - U.S. Air Force
Ernest Edgar Ford - U.S. Army
Roy Melvin Fowler - U.S. Army
Miles France - U.S. Air Force
John Freie - U.S. Navy & U.S. Coast Guard
Richard E. Frye - U.S. Coast Guard
Lee Gabrielson - U.S. Navy
Hagen Gauss - U.S. Army
Brian Gedraitis - U.S. Air Force
David Gilbertson - U.S. Coast Guard
William Dale Gibney - U.S. Marine Corps
John "Kevin" Gilson - U.S. Army
Kenneth "Ken" Ginalski - U.S. Navy
Jon Globig - Army National Guard
Theresa Phillips Guim - U.S. Army
Nick Grimaldi - U.S. Air Force
Russell Bryant Graves - U.S. Navy
Lance Groundwater - U.S. Army
Dennis Hall - U.S. Army
Paul Hankins - U.S. Navy
John Hanson - U.S. Navy
Roy H Hanson - U.S. Navy
Bruce Harding - U.S. Air Force
Timothy Harvey - U.S. Air Force
Russell Harvill - U.S. Army
David Haugen - U.S. Army
Frank Heffernan - U.S. Army
Keith Heffner - U.S. Marine Corps
Ivan L Henman - U.S. Navy
Francisco Hernandez - U.S. Army
Oscar Herron - U.S. Army
George Heywood - Royal Navy
Joseph Hildreth - U.S. Army
Jay Hoffman - Army National Guard
Dennis Hoskinson - U.S. Army
Mark Howdeshell - U.S. Army
Charles "Chas" Hubbard - U.S. Army
Sylvan Joseph "Joe" Irwin - U.S. Navy
Benjamin Jack - U.S. Army
Russell Scott James - U.S. Marine Corps
Max Jackson - U.S. Army
William S Jackson - U.S. Army
Harold Franklin "Frank" Johnson - U.S. Army
Tim Jones - U.S. Navy
Wayne Jones - U.S. Army
Robert Jordan - U.S. Army
Martin Keathley - U.S. Army
John James Kelly, Sr. - U.S. Navy & U.S. Coast Guard
Barry Kennedy - U.S. Navy
Ricky Kent - U.S. Army
Thomas E. Ketchbaw - U.S. Marine Corps
Thomas E. Ketchbaw - U.S. Marine Corps
Edward J Kiml - U.S. Air Force
Jim Kingrea - U.S. Coast Guard
Rodney Paul Kinney, SR - U.S. Navy
Kenneth Kirkland - U.S. Navy
Gary E. Knecht - U.S. Army
Warren L. Krotke - U.S. Navy
Don Knight - Air National Guard
Joe Kronk - U.S. Air Force & U.S. Coast Guard
Joe Kuchin - U.S. Coast Guard
Gerald LaBarre - U.S. Air Force
Cletus A LaBoe Jr. - U.S. Army
Steve Lacatena - U.S. Army
Edward Larson - U.S. Army
Jerry Larsgaard - U.S. Army
Beth Latimer - U.S. Army
Robert Latto - U.S. Army
Charles M. "Chuck" Lee - U.S. Navy
Frances Legerat- U.S. Army
Guy Leonard - Irish Army
Greg Liefer - U.S. Army
Robert Lily - U.S. Army & U.S. Air Force
Arnold Lincoln - U.S. Navy
David Luke, Sr. - U.S. Army
Robert N. Lund - U.S. Army
James Luchini - U.S. Army
Bill Mace - U.S. Navy
George Machuga - U.S. Air Force
James A Maple - U.S. Navy
Larry Marchant - U.S. Navy
James Thomas March - U.S. Army
David Marquez - U.S. Army
Warren "Mac" McAlister - U.S. Air Force
Lynn McArthur - U.S. Arm
Wilbur McBride
- U.S. Marine Corps
Paul McCullough - U.S. Navy
Mac McElrath - U.S. Air Force
Frank McGilvary - U.S. Army Reserve & U.S. Merchant Marines
Dryden McIntosh- U.S. Navy
Melvin McKay- U.S. Army
Jeffery James Kunth Mekinda - U.S. Air Force
Bruce Nelson McMichael - U.S. Navy
Debbie Pauloski Miller - U.S. Air Force
Willard Tim Miller - U.S. Air Force
Edward Morgan - U.S. Navy
Glenn Morrison - U.S. Army
Bob Moseley - U.S. Air Force
Larry Motschenbacher - U.S. Navy
Jeff Moustafa - U.S. Coast Guard
Werner Munk - U.S. Army
Paul Namtvedt - U.S. Air Force
Fred Nelius - U.S. Army
Donald Neff - U.S. Navy
Harold "Husky" Newman - U.S. Navy
David C Nibler - U.S. Navy
Daniel "Loyd" Nichols - AK National Guard
John Paul Nix Jr. - U.S. Army
Joseph Notti - Army National Guard
Larry Nutter - U.S. Army
Richard "OD" Odsather - U.S. Air Force
Willard "Bill" Oftedal - U.S. Navy
Terry Osborne - U.S. Air Force
David A Owners - U.S. Navy
Barry Paige - U.S. Air Force
Bruce Painter - U.S. Coast Guard
Larry Parks - U.S. Army
Author Parrish - U.S. Air Force
James L. Pathmann - U.S. Air Force
Edward L. Patton - U.S. Navy
Kenneth V. Perrault - U.S. Marine Corp
Stephen Perry - U.S. Coast Guard
Shane Phillips - U.S. Marine Corps
David R Pinney - U.S. Army
Garry Pickard - U.S. Air Force
Andy Postishek - U.S. Navy
Wallace Poteete - U.S. Army
Jim Preston - U.S. Army
Roderick Pugh - U.S. Army
James Victor Pulis - U.S. Army
Frank Reardon - U.S. Air Force
Edward A Reed - U.S. Air Force
Albert Rein - U.S. Army
Kent Reinke - U.S. Air Force
John Renfroe - U.S. Navy
Stephan Rettke - U.S. Army
John Rhien - U.S. Navy
David W. Richards - U.S. Army
Paul M. Richards - U.S. Army & U.S. Air Force
Bruce Franklin Ritchey - U.S. Army
H.J. "Robbie" Robinson - U.S. Coast Guard
Vernon "Rusty" Robets - U.S. Air Force
Wayne Rockne - U.S. Marine Corps
Del Roerick - U.S. Army
Jimmy Rogers - U.S. Army
Dave Rowe - U.S. Air Force
Lawrence Russell - U.S. Air Force
Arthur T. Sample III - U.S. Air Force
Armand Cyrel Sanders, Jr. - U.S. Army
George A. Schlegel - U.S. Army
Ronald Sencibaugh - National Guard
Larry Senseney - U.S. Air Force
Richard V. Shafer - U.S. Navy
George A. Schlegel - U.S. Army
Douglas Shattuck - U.S. Marine Corps
Mike Shaughnessy - U.S. Air Force
Larry Shelton - U.S. Air Force
Gary Sholly - U.S. Air Force
Daryl Simmons - U.S. Army
Donna Matter Slaugh - U.S. Marine Corps
Dewey Smith - U.S. Army
Scott Smith - U.S. Coast Guard
Frederick "Buddy" Smith - U.S. Marine Corps
Rick Smith - U.S. Army
Rod Spencer - U.S. Air Force
Lamont Staker - U.S. Navy
Thomas Stanfield - U.S. Air Force
Clyde E. "Bud" Starr III - U.S. Navy
George Steck, Jr. - U.S. Navy & U.S. Army
John Stelling - U.S. Army
Brian Sterling - U.S. Marine Corps & U.S. Coast Guard
Dale Strange - U.S. Marine Corps
William Strickland - U.S. Navy
Lonnie Sullivan - U.S. Army
Richard Sumner - U.S. Navy
David Sunday - U.S. Army
Ronald "Griz" Susser - U.S. Navy
Diane Blair Swenk - U.S. Navy
Lloyd Wayne Taggart - U.S. Navy
Maynard Tapp - U.S. Marine Corps
Rupert Tart - U.S. Air Force
Duane Taylor - U.S. Navy
Frank Therrell, Jr. - U.S. Army
Ken Thomas - U.S. Air Force
Dale Thorpe - U.S. Army
David Towne - U.S. Air Force
Dick Trudell - U.S. Air Force
Paul Turner- U.S. Air Force
Neil Umatum - U.S. Navy
Lyle Von Bargen - U.S. Army
Larry Wall - U.S. Navy
Wayne S Weiler - U.S. Army
Albert R. Wendt- U.S. Air Force
Robert J. Westerheid- U.S. Navy
Joel Westerlund- U.S. Navy
Edward Wildon - U.S. Army
Roland "Wilke" D. Wilkinson - U.S. Navy
Steve Williams - U.S. Army
Gary Williamson - U.S. Navy
Joseph Willing - U.S. Navy
Royal A. Wisemore - U.S. Navy, U.S. Army & U.S. Air Force
Fred Wolsterman - U.S. Air Force
Walt Wood - U.S. Army
Dale O. Wyatt - U.S. Navy
Fred Yawit - U.S. Marine Corps
Russell E. Yeager - U.S. Air Force
Dave Zehner - U.S. Navy
Gail Zuker - U.S. Air Force