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In Memory

Janice A Kirch

Janice Arlene Kirsch
November 10, 2955 - December 25, 2024

Janice Kisch, beloved sister, aunt, and friend, age 69, passed away peacefully in her home on Christmas morning 2024 holding hands with her best friend and her brother. She was born November 10, 1955 to Frank and Beverly Kisch in Seattle, WA.
She grew up in Seattle and a suburb in Renton and after graduating high school, earned a Bachelor of Science degree in visual communications from Western Washington University in Bellingham, WA.

After college Jan worked in Alaska as a videography teacher, graphic artist, photographer, and graphics supervisor. In 1995, she moved back to Washington and was a forms analyst, regional operations manager, and electronic project administrator. She moved to California in 2002 in search of more sunshine. She spent over 16 years there and loved it, working as a buyer in insurance and secondary education. She also became a certified massage therapist.
Jan highly valued her family, friends, and the great outdoors. She was very active in all kinds of sports, especially enjoying hiking, running, golfing, tennis, and riding her Harley Davidson motorcycle. Even in recent years Jan still belonged to local golf, tennis, and Harley clubs. Of her numerous hikes and climbs, the tallest were Mount Adams, Mount Rainier, Mount Whitney, and Mount Kilimanjaro. She volunteered as a historic house docent, publication chair of the Anchorage Audubon Society, captain in the US Tennis Association, Alyeska United Way director, and president of the Seattle Business Forms Management Association.
She fought a brave fight against cancer for over a decade, refusing to let it slow her down or show any discomfort. Jan is survived by Ken (Linda), Robert (Shelley), and four nieces. She is pre-deceased by her parents, Frank and Beverly, and her eldest brother Frankie. Her beloved dachshund, Rocky, who previously belonged to her parents, passed away two days prior to Janice. 

 No memorial services will be held except a small immediate family gathering at her request. Remembrances may be made to Audubon Society, World Wildlife Fund, Sea Shepherds, or your favorite charity.

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01/14/25 01:12 AM #1    

Greg Kinney

Janice Kisch worked for Alyeska as a graphic artist, starting in the mid-1980s, and went on to supervise the Graphics Department.    There, she led a very talented group (working in the basement of Bragaw I) that produced graphics and illustrations for our manuals as well as signs posted in facilities and on the right-of-way.  Among other duties, she served as director of the Alyeska United Way campaign, organized photography contests, and was a great contributor to the culture of our company.  Janice departed Alyeska as part of the 1994 company reorganization, which eliminated her department, and left Alaska in 1995.  

On a personal level, Janice was, by nature, reserved and took some time to get to know.  She proved to be so worth the effort.  We got to do many hikes and climbs together (Pioneer Peak, Crow Pass to Eagle River were two of them), and she just proved to be a wonderful friend.  The last time I saw her was in Santa Monica about 10 years ago; she was in remission, in great spirits, and doing fantastic; we kept in touch, and she remained a positive, upbeat person to the end.  She has departed far too soon; rest in peace, my friend.

01/14/25 11:25 AM #2    

George Watson

Janice was indeed a special and talented person. I had the pleasure of working with her on a variety of graphics projects and on Alyeska's United Way team. Such memorable and fun times. My mom also passed away much too early because of cancer - she was 53. Cancer is a terrible disease and my heart breaks for those with cancer - as well as for their families. My thoughts and prayers go out to Janice's family and friends. We were blessed by knowing her and through the time we were able to spend with her.

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