Roy Herbert Hansen
September 21, 1948 - November 28, 2024
Roy Herbert Hansen, 76, of Valdez, Alaska passed on November 28, 2024 surrounded by family after a long health battle. Roy Hansen was born September 21, 1948 to Lone E Jansen (long time Alaskan writer), and Roy L. Hansen Sr. in Cordova, Alaska where, in 1959 he witnessed the day Alaska became a state. He grew up digging clams commercially and working as crew hand on their family commercial fishing boat, The Tomboy.
When the family moved to Kodiak in 1967, he joined the Navy proudly serving as radioman on the ships USS Lipan, USS Long Beach and USS Waddell. Roy was on the USS Lipan when it was rammed and the crew had to abandon ship; he rescued Top Secret documents as he was vetted security, but lost all of his personal possessions in the accident.
In 1976, Roy returned to Alaska where he went to work for Alyeska Pipeline Services in Anchorage where his family lived. In 1983, Roy relocated to Valdez, Alaska and eventually retired from Alyeska Pipeline Services after 29 and ½ years in 2005. Roy enjoyed ham radio (where he was known as KL7GQ), skiing, photography and mostly fishing from small boats.
He met and married the love of his life Agnes Devlin in 1987 becoming an instant father to four.
Agnes shared his passion for adventure. He taught her how to ski and the only place he agreed to fly with her was Hawaii where they went for their honeymoon as well as a couple more trips. Roy also taught Jena-Marie and Jason how to ski. He loved being a family man with two young kids in the house. In addition to his family, Roy was especially fond of his cat Beast and after Beast passed, Kitty Katie and Fat Lola.
Roy was an active amateur radio operator as well as an excellent photographer all the rest of his years. He assisted local dog sled races as well as a brief stint with the Iditarod Trails, which he greatly enjoyed. He braved the ungroomed mountains of Thompson pass on his skis with gusto. Later, he would document several Thompson Pass events as he became an avid photographer documenting everything he could. Check out to see his photos of Valdez. He was also an active member of Elk’s Lodge # 2537 where he was known for “checking in” and having a tottie with his wife and friends whenever time allowed.
One of Roy’s most proud service moments was in October of 1980 where he assisted the Coast Guard when a cruise ship set fire near Valdez, Alaska. Roy was instrumental in setting up a vast communication network keeping friends and family informed of the rescue operations. On January 15, 1981, Roy received a Certificate of Appreciation in recognition of notable services which assisted greatly in furthering the aims and function of the US Coast Guard via KL7GQ. His love for ham radio would continue on as he faithfully checked in with the Sniper Net group twice a day to be sure Valdez was covered and informed at all times.
Roy was preceded in death by his mom Lone E. Jansen, father Roy L. Hansen, Sr. and half siblings Pattie, Sandi and Roy L. Roy is survived by his wife of 37 years Agnes Hansen Valdez, Alaska and his step-children Rhonda Larson (Dan) Lincoln, Nebraska, Pamela Wolfenden (Reggie) Valdez, Alaska, Jason Devlin Ogden, Utah and Jena-Marie Devlin Valdez, Alaska, grandchildren Robert Hickok, Nathan Hickok (Katie), Darbee Hickok (Logan), Nicholas Slone, Kyler LaBonte, Kaden LaBonte and Rylen LaBonte, great grandchildren Wyatt, Hayden and Delilah. His sister, Anne M. Darrow Gibson (Wayne Gibson) Anchorage, Alaska and half siblings from his dad’s side: Jacki, Dean, Lois, Becky, Todd and Julie.
Roy will be cremated and brought back to Valdez where he will rest in peace. There will be a service held on Saturday, December 14th 2:00 pm at Evergreen Memorial Chapel (737 E Street, Anchorage). A service in Valdez is being planned for a later date.
Janssen Funeral Homes, Anchorage, AK.
Nita McCallum
Radio sorry to hear this news. Big hugs for you, Agnes.Barry Paige
i am sorry to learn that Roy has passed. I worked with him in the SCADA group at the VMT between 1987 and 1995. He loved electronics, ham radio, and programming in Visual Basic. And story telling. He excelled at all of the above.
Harold Anderson
Agnes and "kids": we are sorry to hear about Roy's passing. We never met Roy, but can tell how he was such a large part of the 'new' family.
Harold & Mary Anderson
Richard Showalter
I had the pleasure of working with Roy on SCADA systems remotely, long distance, from PS01 and was very sorry to hear of his passing, RIP Roy.
James L Pathmann
Roy Hanson was one of the most knowledgeble SADA Tech at the Terminal when I worked as an electrician in the Maintence Department.
Always willing to help with any problem. He was much appriceated in the 80's and 90's when I was there.
Miles Duane France
Roy, what a character. I got to work opposite him for many years in SCADA OCC Valdez, and I don't believe we ever agreed much on anything. He was a brilliant technician and I had a long way to go to catch up with him. One area that we did agree on was how outrageous one of our supervisors was. One day Roy glued an IC chip and a little antenna on the bottom of our boss' office phone. In less than a week there was an emotional explosion when he discovered that someone had bugged his office, paranoid plus. I hate to say that it was so fun. Not a word from the SCADA techs either. Roy was always a leader and was cool about it. I was also converted to his religion of Ham Radio Operators. See you soon old friend.
Walt Brophy
Roy, myself and Dennis Hall were the three technicians in 1977 who supported the microfilming of all the documents related to the construction of the pipeline. Subsequently we each transferred to the Pipeline or the Terminal. I spent a lot of time with Roy and my favorite story is of him protesting the eviction of his trailer court to make way for the Northway Mall. Roy would go home for lunch and chain himself to his trailer as a protest. He would get photographed and interviewed by the media and then as soon as they left he would unlock his chain and come back to work. Ha Ha, all on his lunch hour.
Then one time he had really bad tires on his car and was late after getting stuck in the snow. I argued with him that he should get new tires and his answer was that he spent the money on a c.b. radio and could call his friends instead of getting new tires. I am a licensed ham radio operator AL7KE and I convinced Roy to get a ham license. So, all that ham radio community service Roy, Miles and many others do is sort of my fault. Roy was kind, honest and always there for friends and strangers. My deepest sympathies to his family.
Denis Allen
Agnes and Family of Roy: Sincere condolances about the passing of Roy. He was a brave man enduring severe health problems. I worked with Roy at OCC for many years and he was always knowledgeable and helpful in sharing his knowledge. In those days, Ken, Jack and Val were always dependent on Roy for answers about equipment performance, especially with the main frame computer operations and microwave network upsets. Roy became the go-to person for hardware and software integration at OCC for Alyeska.